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Aims & Scope


Aims and Scope

The Czech Economic Review [ISSN 1802-4696 (Print), ISSN 1805-9406 (Online)] aims to attract articles in both theoretical and quantitative economics, with the main interests in microeconomic theory, pure and applied game theory, macroeconomic theory, mathematical finance, and also in research on the boundaries between economics, statistics and applied mathematics.

The journal seeks to promote the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics and wants to serve as a focal point for the Central European community of scholars. The geographical reference in the journal's name signifies that it is an initiative of Czech scholars.

The share of international articles in the journal is over 75% and our policy is to use equally international and local referees.

In addition to publishing full-length articles, CER features short notes, commentaries, and surveys. We will ensure a rigorous, fair and prompt refereeing process. The journal encourages particularly young researchers to submit their work. The current journal's acceptance rate is 58%.

The journal is published in one volume of three issues a year; articles are currently available as open access.

The Czech Economic Review is a joint venture of Charles University in Prague and the Czech Econometric Society.


Currently indexed or abstracted in Scopus, EBSCO, EconLit, RePEc, CEEOL, DOAJ, Ulrichsweb, EconBiz, Socol@r, Webarchiv and DigLib.


Submissions to the Czech Economic Review are welcome. The paper must be an original unpublished work written in English (consistent British or American), not under consideration by other journals. For details how to submit a paper, proceed to subsection Instructions for Authors.
