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Total downloads:690412
Total abstract views:959934



Accepted to EconLit and EBSCO


The AUCO Czech Economic Review has been accepted for indexing and abstracting in EconLit, a service of the American Economic Association. The journal should be accessible through EconLit site by the end of this year. To disseminate journal even further, we have also recently signed a license agreement with EBSCO research databases.

Evaluation list of the R&D Council in the Czech Republic


AUCO has successfully met all conditions to be accepted in the evaluation list of the Research and Development Council of the Czech Republic. Papers in AUCO by  researchers in Czech institutions thus are eligible for the national R&D evaluation. The list (available in Czech only) was officially released on June 24.

Call for papers: SING4 special issue


The AUCO Czech Economic Review is one of three journals committed to publish a special issue with papers presented at the 4th Annual Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING4) in Wroclaw, in the south of Poland. The meeting has been set out to attract specialists with different backgrounds and interests covering all aspects of Game Theory, its applications and its practice.

Editors of the special issue are František Turnovec (Charles University in Prague, chief-editor of the journal) and Andrey Garnaev (St Petersburg State University). Deadline for submission of SING4 papers for special issue (planned for March 2009) is September 30, 2008. Each paper has to be submitted by email (subject title: AUCO Submission, SING4 special issue) to: auco (at) fsv.cuni.cz with cc to both editors of special issue: turnovec (at) fsv.cuni.cz and agarnaev (at) rambler.ru. Submission is completed upon receiving a confirmation email.

Abstract views of AUCO 2 (1) after two months


For the current and also prospective authors, we provide up-to-date data about the abstract views of research articles in the latest issue, Vol. 2, Issue 1. These data do not include circulation involved in the printed 300 copies of the journal, disseminated at conferences and workshops. It also doesn't include views in databases such as RePEc or EBSCO.

  • Palokangas (2008): 155 views
  • Malozzi, Tijs (2008): 125 views
  • Denisova, Garnaev (2008): 133 views
  • Koller, Luptáčik, Mahlberg, Schneider (2008): 125 views
  • Hosli (20098): 119 views

A list of downloads for the full volume will be available by the end of the year.

The AUCO Czech Economic Review, Vol. 2, No. 1


A new issue of AUCO Czech Economic Review, 2008, Vol. 2, No. 1, is available online. See table of contents:


František Turnovec, Martin Gregor, Roman Horváth, and Ondřej Schneider
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 5-6


Self-Interested Governments, Unionization, and Legal and Illegal Immigration
Tapio Palokangas
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 7-20

Partial Cooperation and Non-Signatories Multiple Decision
Lina Malozzi, Stef Tijs
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 21-27

Fish Wars: Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Approaches
Elena Denisova, Andrey Garnaev
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 28-40

Growth and Employment Potentials of Chosen Technology Fields
Mikuláš Luptáčik, Wolfgang Koller, Bernhard Mahlberg and Herwig W. Schneider
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 41-75

Council Decision Rules and European Union Constitutional Design
Madeleine O. Hosli
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 76-96


The European Union 50 Years On: Modelling Economics and Politics of European Integration
Lenka Gregorová
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 97-98

Economics Reasearch at the EUROPAEUM
Paul Flather
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1), 99-101

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Operations Research and Decision (BOiD): a partner journal


The journal Operations Research and Decisions published by Wrocław University of Technology is a new partner journal of the AUCO Czech Economic Review. This quarterly puts emphasis on quantitative methods as a tool for solving management problems. It deals with forecasting, econometric and statistic methods, optimization, simulation, management information systems, and systems supporting decision making.

Japan Economic Policy Association: a new partner


We have established partnership with Japan Economic Policy Association (JEPA, see homepage).  The association was founded 1940 in Tokyo by about 300 professors and researchers interested in the scientific study of economic policy. JEPA is publishing an English-written International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, and organizes each fall an annual conference.



Following the 4th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING4), to be held in Wroclaw on 26-28 June, 2008, we plan to launch a special issue of the journal devoted to the conference (1/2009 or 2/2009). For details about the meeting, click here. Deadline for abstract submissions is April 18.

Editorial board


We are proud to annnounce that a reconstructed editorial board consists of 23 members with affiliations in 12 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, and the United States.

Citing AUCO


In references, please quote the journal as AUCO Czech Economic Review, without rewriting AUCO acronym (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Oeconomica) in full: e.g. Turnovec, F. (2007). "A New Measure of Voting Power". AUCO Czech Economic Review, 1 (1), 4-14. Consistent referencing is a precondition for correct functioning of citation services such as CitEc or Google Scholar.

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