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Volume 2, Issue 2


More Borda Count Variations for Project Assesment

Nurmi, Hannu; Salonen, Hannu

Year: 2008   Volume: 2   Issue: 2   Pages: 109-122

Abstract: We introduce and analyze the following variants of the Borda rule: median Borda rule, geometric Borda rule, Litvak's method as well as methods based on forming linear combinations of entries in the preference outranking matrix. The properties we focus upon are the elimination of the Condorcet loser as well as several consistency-type criteria.

JEL classification: C71, D63, D74

Keywords: Borda rule, median rule, Nash welfare function, outranking matrix, maximin rule, consistency

RePEc: http://ideas.repec.org/a/fau/aucocz/au2008_109.html

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